AP®︎ CHEM: Study Course

Prepare for College Board’s AP®︎ Chemistry Exam this May. This course is a mix of content review and test preparedness/ strategies for you to master and get comfortable with before taking the AP®︎ Exam.

*AP®︎ and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board (“College Board”), which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this website or any materials. 

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Specialized content

Explore some of our other offerings that can help with your AP Chem work

Full Access

This covers all material on CHEMDUNN, helpful for those that need a refresher on some key concepts that they forgot or did not learn previously. The gold mine here are all the practice problems and worked out solutions.

Human Help

Sometimes you just need a human to talk through a concept. “You don’t know, what you don’t know” is actually real. A human can tell you what you are missing or what questions you aren’t asking but should.