Ways we can help.

CHEMDUNN provides several ways to support your chemistry studies - regardless if you are looking for extra support or extra challenge.  

Our topic pages break chemistry concepts into manageable chunks, highlighting key points and featuring high-quality resources. Find essentials quickly without feeling overwhelmed or wasting time searching Google or TikTok. And if you are looking for more …


If live human help and guidance is more of your need. We have options for you to connect and get the coaching to get your chemistry done:

  • Individual tutoring for personalized guidance

  • Group tutoring for more collaborative learning or

  • Self-study for work not tied to specific class but interest in tutorial sessions.

Resource Libraries

Explore our resource libraries which offer clear explanations and problem solving steps to EVERYTHING:

  • Practice Problem Library, hundreds of problems organized by topic and sub-topic, each with full detailed explanation.

  • Lab Library offers popular experiments, concept breakdowns, sample calculations, and detailed analysis.

Specialized Content

Our AP Chem Study & Review course is a companion to your study and review. It features a problem-solving focus that confidently prepares you for the AP exam. It is self paced but also includes the offer for human feedback.

*AP®︎ and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board (“College Board”), which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this website or any materials.